blog post

Mia Tayam

April 12, 2024

~2 min

11 Common ABM Pitfalls: Insights from an ABM Platform Vendor

Over the years, ABM has significantly transformed the approach to targeting audiences, offering an alternative to the traditional mass targeting method. ABM's focused strategy treats customer accounts as individually different markets, making way for high-value and personalized campaigns.

In an interview conducted by DesignRush with Markus Stahlberg, CEO & Co-Founder at N.Rich, he emphasized the importance of ABM initiatives that we do and offer.

At N.Rich, we bridge gaps in ABM through data-driven solutions aimed at accounts displaying clear buyer intent, guiding them through the funnel via digital ads across multiple channels.

However, it's important to understand that ABM is not something that you just jump into. It requires a change in perspective and a fundamental shift in process and strategy.

And more often than not, people resist change, therefore we encourage businesses to position their teams for this shift, ensuring everyone is onboard before initiating a pilot ABM campaign.

Poor implementation can lead to strategy failure regardless of the technology or platform you use. 

To avoid getting lost along the way, here are some of the most common mistakes and how you can resolve them as you launch your pilot campaign:

1. The most common one we have encountered is the lack of understanding. 

Many see ABM as a fleeting trend without data backing its efficiency.

Solution: Conduct comprehensive training sessions to educate teams about the fundamentals of ABM and how it differs from traditional marketing approaches. Providing real-world examples and success stories of businesses within the same industry that have achieved tangible results through ABM strategies could also help them see its benefits.

X Do not simply upload a list of accounts in your CRM allowing your sales and marketing teams to pursue their disjointed initiatives: sales hunt for leads while marketing do campaigns everywhere.

2. Lack of understanding of ICPs: who they are, their needs, and timing for engagement.

Solution: Engage all teams in defining a clear ICP before curating and launching any campaign. No one goes into battle without knowing what or who they will pursue.

3. Seeing ABM as a one-time project rather than a long-term strategy.

Relying on a static set of data about your market and approach won't give you immediate results in generating leads and closing deals.

Solution: Continuously update and revisit your strategy to stay aligned with market changes and avoid relying solely on static data.

4. ABM is exclusive to the Marketing domain. 

No, it’s not. It benefits all teams involved in revenue generation and those interacting with leads or clients. ABM encompasses all teams, from the initial touchpoint down to the CS team's role in retention.

Solution: Ensure holistic team involvement, spanning from the initial touchpoint to each team's crucial role in sales and retention. 

5. Lack of clear objectives. 

Businesses neglect to define clear and measurable objectives for the pilot campaign. Are you aiming for new leads, increased revenue, upselling/cross-selling, account revival, or new market entry?

Solution: Define your objectives. Understand where you are heading, so you can effectively map out the strategies you need.

6. Ignoring Data-Driven Insights. 

Instead of relying on data-driven strategies to make informed decisions, businesses often depend on gut feelings or intuition. By doing so, they miss out on insights that provide objective and evidence-based guidance, leading to poor strategies.

Solution: Utilize available data for a precise, data-driven approach to making decisions and launching campaigns.

7. Overcomplicating ABM can confuse the team and alter focus.

ABM can be daunting for many, and adding unnecessary complexity may overwhelm people in the organization, leading to distractions and potential errors in decision-making.

Solution: Streamline and simplify the ABM approach for better understanding and execution. Here are some practical ways to do it: simplify the messaging framework, create concise and straightforward ICPs, and clearly define roles, and responsibilities across all teams.

8. Underestimating the importance of content. 

Many companies claim to use ABM, but they forget to customize content and interactions for individual accounts, reducing the effectiveness of the campaign.

Solution: Instead of producing a multitude of content pieces, develop targeted content, such as case studies or solution-oriented guides, that directly aligns with the challenges your audience faces.

9. Lack or insufficient technology integration. 

Operating in a disconnected manner often results in significant gaps. These gaps can result in missed opportunities and ineffective communication between teams.

Solution: Use an ABM platform that lets you integrate your technology stack, connecting CRM and ad platforms for centralized data so your teams can work collaboratively and efficiently throughout the ABM process.

10. Keeping ABM stagnant and self-reliant is a mistake. 

ABM is an iterative process. If you don't regularly check, analyze, and improve the campaign based on its performance, you might miss chances for growth and not leverage its full potential.

Solution: Regularly analyze the data and insights gathered from your campaigns to identify what's working and what needs improvement. This will enable you to make adjustments and optimizations based on the analysis.

11. Ignoring metrics that matter. 

Focusing on vanity metrics rather than revenue metrics leads to a skewed perception of success. Prioritize metrics that align with overarching goals.

Solution: Concentrate on revenue metrics (CLV, ARR, CAC) instead of vanity metrics (clicks, impressions, likes) to ensure an accurate evaluation of success aligned with your growth goals.

If you want more tips about ABM and avoid falling down the cracks, you can read the recent interview of DesignRush about Boosting Sales through ABM with N.Rich. Or you can watch a recorded webinar with MAN Digital about Why Do Companies Fail to Implement ABM?

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Mia Tayam


Mia is Content Specialist at N.Rich and has over a decade of experience in traditional and digital marketing. She owned and managed an Events and Advertising agency and is an accomplished writer, with works published in multiple magazines and newspapers.

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