blog post

Yulia Olennikova

April 04, 2023

~2 min

Webinar Alert: A Deep Dive Into Intent Data From N.Rich CEO

Are you aware of intent data? Do you know the difference between regular data and intent data? If you do, are you truly leveraging its power? As businesses continue to grapple with the changing landscape of digital marketing, the concept of intent data has become increasingly popular. 

In short, intent data refers to information that reveals a person or organization's intentions or interests, based on their online behavior, interactions, and searches. By analyzing intent data, businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns, improve their sales strategies, and much more.

To shed more light on this topic, Markus Ståhlberg, CEO and co-founder of N.Rich with years of experience in account-based GTM strategies and intent data, is set to speak at this webinar. Markus has been at the industry forefront and has worked with a diverse range of businesses to help them leverage such data to drive revenue and ROI.

Markus will cover the following topics:

  • What is intent data: The 5W1H of intent data
  • Driving insights: How and where you can find intent data
  • Case study: How to use intent data to increase conversion
  • How to get started: Things you need to have in place to start making use of intent data

“Intent data is more than just data. It's an in-depth understanding of your customers' behaviors. Having the right data and the know-how to make full use of them is what puts you ahead of the curve. Join me in this webinar to learn more. I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have about intent data!” - Markus Ståhlberg, CEO and co-founder, N.Rich

Date and time: April 18, 2023, at 13:00 GMT+3

Who is it for: marketers, sales professionals, business owners

The registration form is here.

Having questions for the speaker? Please write them in the 'Ask us anything' section when you sign up for the webinar. They will be covered during the session.

If you can't make it, please feel free to sign up anyway; Advance B2B will send you the recording afterwards.

Advance B2B is organizing a series of webinars with N.Rich. The first is on Intent Data, but more webinars on different ABM topics are to follow. Please follow our LinkedIn page to learn about the new ones.

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Yulia Olennikova


Yulia is Head of Marketing at N.Rich and has over a decade of experience in SaaS in total. She is a highly regarded resource for all things ABM on LinkedIn.

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