blog post

Yulia Olennikova

January 23, 2024

~2 min

How to Spend $$$ Only on the Right Companies: a Guide to N.Rich Audience Management Integration with LinkedIn Ads

There are at least three reasons B2B marketers, especially demand generation managers, love LinkedIn - and at least three reasons this love isn’t absolute.


LinkedIn advantages

LinkedIn downsides

1. It’s the biggest B2B social platform: people go to LinkedIn with an intention to consume professional content

2. It allows to advertise your product or service to the exact companies

3. It has a range of ad formats for every stage of the buying process: from thought leadership ads to build brand awareness to the very bottom-of-the-funnel lead gen ads to drive pipeline

1. Limited ability to see which exact companies visited your website after interacting with your ads and what they did

2. Limited ability to build remarketing audiences without third-party connectors

3. High cost per engagement, even given the higher quality of leads


However, if your goal is to go upmarket, LinkedIn advertising isn’t just a piece in your marketing puzzle - it’s a cornerstone of your entire go-to-market strategy.

N.Rich + LinkedIn ads integration was built to address the downsides and use the advantages to its fullest potential. Our marketing team prepared this guide to describe our favorite use case for the integration.

We suggest you start with this short video to learn more and then proceed to the article: 

Very brief technical intro 

Before we start, let’s quickly see how integration works:

N.Rich is a platform where you can create account lists based on firmographic and technographic criteria, as well as buyer intent.

Targeting only high-intent + high-fit companies with LinkedIn: a walkthrough

Given the average CPC of $5.26, how much would you have to spend to generate some initial engagement from a list of 10000 accounts?

Instead, you would want to first identify the companies that: a) fit your ICP (ideal customer profile); b) are already showing intent towards you or competitors.


N.Rich does exactly that.

You can create account lists based on:

Recent website visits (you can specify the exact pages you want to target, like competitor comparison pages, and create a hyper-personalized LinkedIn ad campaign)

Third-party intent (intent signals based on the target account’s activity on external websites)

Or a combination of first-party and third-party intent that can be a signal of company-wide interest towards your category.

For all of those categories, you’ll want to include only the accounts that have high ICP score based on their predicted sales velocity:

Then you push all the segments you create in N.Rich as LinkedIn matched audiences:

Those lists will be automatically pushed to LinkedIn Ads as matched audiences. You can find them under Audiences -> Third-party -> Third-party company and they’ll be marked as “N.Rich segment” in your audience list.

What do you do next?

Depending on how granular you want to be, you can create endless plays using the integration.

Example 1: competitor campaign

Segment: companies that visited the competitor comparison pages on your website

Play: explicitly mention the reasons you’re better than the competition and invite them to schedule a call


Example 2: hand-raise campaign

Segment: companies checking your high-intent pages (pricing, demo, case studies) or having high first-party intent score.

Play: your copy should revolve around time. Highlight that the best moment to start is now.

Example 3: awareness campaign

This isn’t as sophisticated as play, but for us at N.Rich this is an essential always-on campaign.

Here’s the workflow:

  1. Get a list of target accounts for this quarter to N.Rich

  1. Generate less expensive initial engagement through N.Rich ads

  1. Send the list to LinkedIn for a retargeting campaign

  1. Provide buyer intent signals from N.Rich and LinkedIn Ads to SDRs for immediate outreach


Interested in optimizing your LinkedIn Ads performance?

Let's talk.

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Yulia Olennikova


Yulia is Head of Marketing at N.Rich and has over a decade of experience in SaaS in total. She is a highly regarded resource for all things ABM on LinkedIn.

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