Setting Up Intent Reports

The article is currently being updated. Please get in touch with your CSM for more information.


Intent Reports is a powerful feature that allows you to combine third-party intent data with your own first-party intent data to create account lists. You can then understand the level of interest of each account through the Intent Score and see which topics they are interested in. In order to start using Intent Reports, you need to create an intent report and configure it properly:

  1. Create an intent report

  2. Define Data Sources: Third party intent data topics and countries, First party intent data campaign(s)

  3. Define accounts: Either by using firmographics or by selecting one of your existing segments

  4. Save the report.

Once done, you are going to need to wait at least for 15 to 30 minutes to get data from the report.

Video: Overview to intent reports (5:54)

Video: Tutorial to browsing intent topics (1:20)


Setting up Slack and email notifications from Intent Reports to the sales team on Hubspot

FAQ & Troubleshooting

Question: I don’t see any data being populated in my intent report.
1. The report data is not ready yet: In this case you need to wait for up to an hour to get the report populated.

  1. There is a misconfiguration of the report: In this case you need to ensure that you have configured data sources (third-party and first-party) properly AND configured accounts either using firmographics or by selecting one of the existing segments.

Question: I don’t see any data in the Intent Tab in the Account Analytics (Account Details Page). Why?
Answer: Only accounts found in the default intent report will have their Intent Data populated in Account Analytics. See Intent Reports Data Sync

If you are still unable to get results from the report, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Customer Success representative or through the chat function on the lower right corner of the application.

Intent Reports Data Sync

Intent Data made available through Intent Reports include Intent Score and Intent Topics and are quite valuable for prospecting. Customers can push intent data from an Intent Report to their CRM by defining a Default Intent Report in their N.Rich Platform Settings by navigating to Settings → Intent Tab.


ℹ️ Customers can chose only one Intent Report to sync intent data to their CRM so that the intent data at the account level doesn’t get mixed up with other sources.

image (35)Default Intent Report Selection