Opportunity Dashboard

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Opportunities Summary



Influenced Opportunities

Total number of opportunities influenced by NRich ABM


Influenced Opportunities (value)

Total value of opportunities influenced by NRich ABM


OPEN influenced opportunities

Total value of opportunities influenced under "open" stage


WON influenced opportunities

Total value of opportunities influenced under "won" stage


Pre-opportunity influenced

Total value of opportunities influenced before opportunity was created


Post-opportunity influenced

Total value of opportunities influenced after opportunity was created

Opportunity influence by stage



Opportunity stage

Current stage of the opportunity e.x. Open / Closed Won / Closed Lost / Negotiation


Amount (USD)

Total Opportunity value per stage



Total numbers of opportunities under each stage


Per-Opportunity Readers

Total article reads before opportunity was created


Pre-Opportunity video views

Total video views before opportunity was created


Pre-Opportunity clicks

Total clicks before opportunity was created


Post-Opportunity readers

Total article reads after opportunity was created


Post-Opportunity video views

Total video views after opportunity was created


Post-Opportunity clicks

Total clicks after opportunity was created