Importing accounts into HubSpot from N.Rich

Create missing or unmatched CRM accounts in HubSpot

Follow these instructions to manually export accounts from N.Rich that are not present in your HubSpot instance. 

This manual process can now be automated through the Account Segment Push feature.

To differentiate which accounts are not present in your HubSpot instance, you need to enable "Automatically sync HubSpot CRM data" toggle in CRM settings.

Video Tutorial:
You can import accounts into HubSpot following the simple steps illustrated in the video below:



  1. Click on a specific segment on N.Rich, or choose all accounts within N.Rich by selecting Manage All from the top right corner of the Segments view

  2. Click on Export to get the account data into an Excel .xlsx file

  3. Go to Account data sheet on the Excel file

  4. Copy all accounts without CRM ID to another Excel file (Or use CRM Stages to filter them out)

  5. Remove the unnecessary columns, just retaining Account name, Country and Primary domain

  6. Save the file and give it a descriptive name, so that it’s easier to understand for other Hubspot users to know what was imported

  7. Go to Hubspot and click Contacts / Companies and select IMPORT

  8. Go through the import wizard selecting One file > One Object > Companies and select your file

  9. Map the three columns into the appropriate properties on Hubspot. Make sure to select Company Domain Name as the property mapped with Primary domain. This is the most critical field

  10. Complete the import, manage any errors if any according to Hubspot guidelines and wait for 24 hours to sync the accounts into N.Rich

Note: The imported accounts won’t have an owner, so you need to consider how to provide the accounts to sales team. You can do this either by adding the desired owner as additional column on the excel and by importing it, or by following these steps (NOTE: Requires good understanding of the CRM data and recommended only for CRM admins)

  1. Go to Contacts > Companies

  2. Create a filter “Created Date equals Today”

  3. Select all accounts by clicking the checkbox on the top left corner of the company list

  4. Click link “Select All records” that appears on a blue background

  5. Click Edit from header of the company list

  6. Select Company Owner

  7. Change the Owner to the appropriate one.