CRM Integration Stats

Get visibility on what's happening through the integration

To help you better understand the value of the integration and associated features, we implemented integration stats that will be displayed in a stats table in Settings -> CRM Settings.

This will help you understand the key activities and actions happening through the integration including how N.Rich is helping with account enrichment and CRM account growth.

Integration Stats and Definitions:

Name Definition Tooltip
Integration date The date on which the CRM integration was last configured and authenticated.  
Data last synced The last date on which any data transfer occurred between N.Rich and the CRM  
CRM synced accounts on N.rch The number of accounts from the CRM that are present in N.Rich, represented over the total number of accounts in the CRM. Number of accounts synced with N.Rich/number of accounts in HubSpot
Accounts enriched with Intent or Predictive Data All accounts in the customer’s CRM with account properties updated/enriched with Intent Reports or ICP velocity metrics according to our HS Account Properties. Number of accounts in your CRM that have been enriched with either Intent Data (like intent score or intent topics) or predictive analytics data like ICP Sales Velocity Score or Journey Stages.
Accounts enriched with Engagement Data All accounts in the customer’s CRM with account properties updated/enriched with N.Rich ABM and website engagement according to our HS Account Properties. Number of accounts in your CRM that have been enriched with ABM and website engagement data. This includes engagements from accounts visiting your website and engaging with your ABM Ads.
New CRM accounts created All accounts in the customer’s CRM that have been created through the Account Synchronization Feature. Number of accounts that have been created in your CRM by the N.Rich integration using the Account Segment Synchronization feature.

Note: The stats provided encompass all historical activities.