CRM Integration - Automatic Sync of CRM Data

How to automatically associate your CRM accounts with your N.Rich accounts

The Automatic Sync of CRM Data feature in N.Rich is an essential feature designed to create associations between Salesforce/HubSpot accounts and N.Rich accounts. When enabled, this feature will check if N.Rich accounts exist in your CRM and if so, it will create an association between the accounts and sync account data between them for each matched account. This helps standardize account information between your CRM and N.Rich.

How to enable the feature:

Navigate to your account settings by clicking on the gear icon in the main app navigation. From there, go to CRM settings where you can activate the feature by turning on the toggle labeled "Automatically sync CRM Data".

CRM Integration Settings - Automatic Sync

You need to have an active CRM integration in order to enable this feature.

Supported Platforms:

Sync Frequency:

The sync runs daily to ensure data is current and consistent.

Properties Synced:
Account ID: Unique identifier for the account in your CRM
Account Name: Name of the account
Country: Geographic location of the account

Outcome: Account Associations in N.Rich

When your CRM account data is fetched and synced with N.Rich account data, the outcome is:

  1. Account association data (CRM name, id and link) is displayed in N.Rich and visible through:
    1. Analytics dashboard
    2. Account dashboard
    3. Account data exports
    image-mh (6)

  2. CRM account owner is pulled and displayed in the account dashboard

This feature is also a prerequisite for

  1. Enabling CRM Stages
  2. Pulling Opportunity data from your CRM
  3. Opportunity influence analytics (based on #4)
  4. Pushing of Account engagement data to your CRM
  5. Enabling the Account Segment Push feature (HubSpot only)


Data Matching for HubSpot:
Uses the primary Company domain name property value to differentiate between company records and to associate HubSpot accounts with N.Rich accounts.

Data Matching for Salesforce:

Uses a combination of the website field and email domains from contacts to ensure accurate domain matching. Confidence Levels: Employs a high-confidence algorithm to verify domain validity by cross-referencing the website field and email domains.


  1. Will this feature change my CRM account data?
    No, this feature will read your CRM account data and try to match it with N.Rich account data. When associations are successfully created, the CRM data is used as primary source of truth.
  2. Which account data will be used to match the accounts?
    It is primarily based on the company domains used in your CRM. Please refer to the notes section for more details based on your CRM.
  3. How can I know how many accounts have been matched/synced?
    Under the CRM Integration Statistics table, you will see a metric called “CRM accounts present in N.Rich”. This represents how many accounts have been successfully matched/associated over the total number of accounts in your CRM.

    CRM Settings - CRM Stats - Account Associations
  4. Why is my “CRM accounts present in N.Rich” over CRM accounts ratio low?
    This metric indicates the number of accounts that have been successfully matched (existing both in N.Rich and your CRM) and it’s normal to have only the accounts that matter in both N.Rich and your CRM. Most of the time, your CRM will contain a lot more accounts that may not be monitored/actioned on. If this metric is still abnormally low, this might be due to a non-standard implementation of account data in your CRM such as not using the default website field in Salesforce. Consider using manual list imports that include CRM IDs so that the accounts are properly matched.