Account Engagement Locations in HubSpot

More sales intelligence on your accounts, in your CRM

Account engagement locations are now visible in HubSpot for your accounts. When using Intent Reports, knowing the locations from where the engagement originates is highly valuable and helps marketing and sales teams to focus their efforts. 

This new update pushes engagement locations identified for an account in an intent report to HubSpot as account properties. This includes first-party engagements (website visits and ABM Ads) and third-party intent signals.

With the engagement locations now visible in HubSpot, you can see at a glance where the engagements are coming from and what kind of engagements they are (first-party or third-party) to inform their next steps.

Engagement locations are supported all customers with a HubSpot integration.


Relevant account properties (see below) will be populated with engagement locations for any accounts present in your Default Intent Report. The account properties supported are listed below:

Account property group name in HubSpot: N.Rich Intent Report Scores


Field name

Field label




First party intent countries

Lists the top 10 countries from where first-party engagements have originated, sorted by highest engagements first.



First party intent locations

Lists the top 10 locations, including city-level info where first-party engagements have originated, sorted by highest engagements first.



Third party intent countries

Lists the top 10 countries from where third-party intent signals have originated, sorted by highest intent first.



Third party intent locations

Lists the top 10 locations, including city-level info where third-party intent signals have originated, sorted by highest intent first.